4_3_Развитие представлений о региональных предпринимательских системах в контексте концепции устойчивого развития . Наука

Development of ideas about regional entrepreneurial systems in the context of the concept of sustainable developmen

  • Olga S. Kolesnikova

    Olga S. Kolesnikova. Amur State University. Blagoveshchensk. Russia


bstract. In present-day conditions, there is a desperate need to search for additional sources of the country and regions development. Considered in the presented study is the entrepreneurial system as such a source. Theoretical insights into these systems are currently being formed. Given this, the purpose of the study lies in testifying the theoretical assumptions of studying regional entrepreneurial systems in the scope of sustainable development concept. Applied to the research are the methods of theoretical generalization, comparison, ab-
stract and logical analysis, as well as the economic and statistical, and graphical data processing techniques. The object of the study is the entrepreneurial systems of the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) entities. The subject of the research is the economic relations arising in their functioning and development. Theoretical background of the study serves to be the general system theory, theories of entrepreneurship and regional development. The methodological background of the study results from the concept of the country and regions sustainable development. The study presents the author's approach to the interpretation of regional entrepreneurial systems, the main features of these systems revealed and described. Highlighted here is their practical implementation as examplified by the FEFD entities. The novelty of the author's approach lies in considering entrepreneurial systems as a complex mechanism (as a higher-order system for regional entrepreneurship and as that of a lower-order – for the country's economic system). The mechanism given provides static and dynamic stability of these systems development under the interaction of entrepreneurship with the external environment. Set forth in the research, theoretical assumptions enable our advancing theories of regional social and economic systems and those of regional development. The results obtained can be applied to the activities of regional authorities in their working out and implementing strategies and projects for the development of entrepreneurship and regions. Practical implications of the findings result in architecting the basis for improving the mechanisms of strategic management of social and economic dynamics of Federation subjects.
Keywords: regional system, regional entrepreneurial system, sustainable development concept, shadow economy, regional development.